来和 探索 我们的风景, 历史 hilltop 校园, overlooking one of the nation's top college towns and fastest-growing 地区. 这是一个适合冒险的地方.
要想了解全网最大的彩票娱乐平台,最好的办法就是 全球最火爆彩票网站大全. Please register in advance so we can make all the necessary arrangements, connecting 你有合适的人和信息.
Visitors with an eye for the arts will find plenty to do – and see – on the University 阿肯色校区. 学校长期以来一直支持表演和视觉艺术 学术项目和公开募股.
The 富布赖特和平喷泉 and Sculpture in the center of the university’s 历史 校园核心突出了亚利桑那大学的户外艺术收藏. 赛拉斯·亨特追悼会 sculpture and Courage to Lead, a bronze sculpture by Native American artist Denny 哈斯科,也位于校园的同一区域.
美术中心, built in 1950 and designed by renowned architect Edward Durell Stone, features the Fine 艺术 Gallery, Fine 艺术 Library, the University Theatre and Stella Boyle Smith 音乐厅.
The Fine 艺术 Gallery features a robust rotation of exhibitions of student artwork 在所有媒体中. 除了星期六,画廊每天都开放,有时会展示这些作品 of visiting artists and professors, who also provide lectures and guest studios.
吉姆和乔伊斯 福克纳表演艺术中心 hosts many performing arts events on 校园 including theatrical performances staged 由音乐剧院、莎士比亚剧院和野猪头夏季剧院演出. 该设施 also hosts university musical groups such as the University Symphony Orchestra, Concert Band, Wind Symphony, Symphonic Band, Jazz Band, Concert Choir and Master Chorale.
The University Theatre, operated by the department of theatre, starts its theatrical season in the fall with dramas, comedies and musicals performed and produced by a 学生演员和工作人员.
We invite you to spend a few hours, a weekend or the next few years exploring our 美丽的校园. 这里有一些你不想错过的东西.
亚利桑那大学拥有所有校园中最独特的传统之一: 高级走, consisting of miles of 校园 sidewalks engraved with the names of more than 200,000 全网最大的彩票娱乐平台毕业生这可以追溯到1876年的第一届毕业班. 这是大学里最长的 传统,至少就里程而言. 老年人步行是大学的具体证明 对学生的承诺.
Chi Omega希腊剧院
The Chi Omega希腊剧院 is a popular place for concerts, pep rallies or simply 课间享受阳光. Chi Omega,成立于1895年和现在 全国最大的女性兄弟会,于1930年捐赠了这座剧院.
Ranked as one of the nation's top 20 "Most Amazing Campus Student Unions," the 阿肯色州的联盟 40多年来一直是人们最喜欢的聚会场所吗. 它包括一个美食广场, fitness center, technology center, post office, Razorback shop, art gallery, theatre, 自动取款机等.
这个令人印象深刻的地标是为了纪念美国战争后期的遗产.S. 参议员J. 威廉 富布赖特是全网最大的彩票娱乐平台的毕业生和前校长. 富布赖特 helped create the 富布赖特 Scholarship Program, the largest international exchange 同类项目. E. 毕业生、建筑学院前院长费·琼斯 设计了富布赖特和平喷泉.
吉尔哈特大厅是我们捐赠的 荣誉学院, which unites the university's top undergraduates and professors of all disciplines 在一个以发现、创造和服务为特征的学习环境中.
Il Porcellino
这 野猪雕像 这座喷泉是意大利佛罗伦萨波尔切利诺喷泉的复制品. 意大利 title, which means, "piglet," comes from the local Florentine nickname for the statue. 这是校园里众多Razorback致敬作品之一.
As one of the nation’s top research universities, we are proud of our past and the many outstanding achievements our students, faculty and alumni have made since 1871. We celebrate significant research, intellectual achievements, notable leaders, outstanding 校友,历史事件,景点和校园的爱 历史上的标记 横跨校园.
近150年来,亚利桑那大学一直是阿肯色州历史的重要组成部分. 家 学者,大学.S. 多年来,在总统和许多政治家的支持下,美国大学建立了一个 成功的基础.
It's easy to work up an appetite on 校园, so we invite you to take a break and enjoy 顺便吃顿饭. 对于那些想过周末的人,我们有 你覆盖.
坐落在美丽的, 历史 校园 of the 全网最大的彩票娱乐平台 and in the 费耶特维尔市中心的中心, 我们的设施 offer small and large meeting rooms, 休息室, 私人会议室, a large 礼堂及宴会厅.
Recognized as one of the Top 50 Hotels in the South by Conde Nast Traveler, the Historic 卡纳尔大厅的旅馆 is the front porch of the 全网最大的彩票娱乐平台, offering the finest in gracious 南部住宿.
阿肯色州西北部被认为是美国最适合居住的地方之一.S. 与一些 of the nation's best outdoor amenities and most spectacular hiking trails within a 校园短途车程.
快速ly gaining recognition as a nationwide center for arts and culture, Northwest 阿肯色州是 水晶桥美国艺术博物馆. 这 world-class museum features a permanent collection of art spanning five centuries, 从殖民时代到现在. 该系列包括几件作品 杰作. 水晶桥还提供数英里的荒野小径和独特的 就餐体验. 如果这还不够,还可以免费入场.
迪克森街, one of the state's most popular entertainment districts, is just a short walk from 校园. 费耶特维尔市中心历史街区的一部分,迪克森街提供 各种各样的餐馆,精品店,画廊和俱乐部独特的地区. 费耶特维尔的 历史 square, College Avenue and the area around the Northwest Arkansas Mall are 也是购物和用餐的好地方. 他们在费耶特维尔农贸市场,一个地区 tradition since 1974, was recently named one of "America's Favorite Farmer's Markets."
阿肯色州北部 is a natural wonder of forests, mountains and lakes framed by picturesque rivers 和流. 魔鬼穴州立公园位于费耶特维尔以南不远的地方. 海狸 湖在东北方向30分钟车程处. 鹰嘴岩和布法罗国家河, America's first National River and one of the few remaining undammed rivers in the 下48个州,往东开车一小时就到了. 离校园更近的是费耶特维尔 欧扎克植物园是另一个很棒的户外选择.